Nostalgia: Chevrolet Impala
I love going through pictures I have taken over the years and comparing the different cameras used. It is always interesting to see how the technology has improved. And, of course, I keep asking myself if an upgrade to the latest equipment is really necessary. Take this picture of an old Chevvy for example. It was taken two years ago with a Leica Digilux 3 - only 7.5m pixels, a bit clunky, but still great results. Full pic
Then, the name Leica starts me hankering for the days of film and the M series... Leica M3And what about that o-so-practical classic, the Olympus OM1. Yes, I've used them all! Below is a picture I took in Bergen, Norway, about 17 years ago, using an OM1, with the standard 50mm Zuiko lens and Kodak negative film. Norway pictures
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